MANCHESTER (July 20, 2020) – In early July 2020, the leadership team at Westside Care Center received the following testimony from the daughter who had both parents at Westside at the same time, in the same room.
Note: The attached photograph was taken prior to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and before social distancing and other COVID specific infection control precautions, such as masking, were in effect.
To the Staff at Westside Care Center,
I am so thankful and appreciative of all the Westside staff members. The last year was extremely difficult for me. I had to make the decision that my parents could no longer live at home. They couldn’t stay at assisted living. And then I watched my parents’ health, mental and physical, decline rapidly.
The thought of a nursing home terrified me as I did not think my Dad could last even an hour without running off. But he did okay! The staff was so patient with his ups and downs. He told me that everyone was very nice. He giggled when he was called hon’. I believe Mom was content, too. My Mom was very special, loving, and kind. She would want me to make sure I thanked each of you personally.
It was wonderful that you were able to place my Mom and Dad together in the same room. They were able to spend their last few months together.
Thank you for assisting my sister (who lives in Germany) and me with phone calls and FaceTime.
Shannon and the staff helped me make some critical decisions, such as the Nursing Home health coverage for my parents and Hospice at the right time.
I apologize for not remembering everyone’s names or positions. My thoughts were always on my parents. But from the receptionists at the front desk, dietary, housekeeping, nurses’ aides to nurses were always polite, friendly and caring. I was able to sleep at night knowing Mom and Dad were safe. All of you helped me through the hardest days and months of my life, and I thank all of you for that.
You all were a blessing to me. Please continue to stay safe during these strange times.
- Helga McKinley
** The photograph, names, details and quotes were used with express permission.