BLOOMFIELD (February 7, 2018) –
Article appears in the Windsor Locks Journal, Windsor Journal and Bloomfield Messenger
February is designated as American Heart Month to bring attention and awareness to the prevalence and severity of heart disease in the United States. Touchpoints at Bloomfield staff and residents wore red on February 2, 2018 for National Wear Red Day.
Wear Red Day is held the first Friday of every February to help raise awareness. Touchpoints at Bloomfield raised a quick $50.00 that will go to the American Heart Association.
Did you know that nearly a quarter of deaths in the United States are caused by heart disease? While that statistic is staggering, the good news is that heart disease is often preventable. We can all take simple steps to reduce our risk like making physical activity part of our daily routine, and choosing spices to flavor our foods over salt.
Healthy choices coupled with regular check ups to manage existing conditions can significantly reduce, if not eliminate, your risk of heart disease. Please don’t ignore the warning signs such as shortness of breath, palpitations, a rapid heartbeat, weakness or dizziness and nausea to name a few.