BLOOMFIELD (January 19, 2018) –
Cindy Payne, Director of Therapeutic Recreation
Article appeared in the Windsor Locks Journal, Windsor Journal and Bloomfield Messenger
Well, I’m at it again!! It’s been a very busy holiday season at Touchpoints at Bloomfield. The staff strives to make sure our residents had a wonderful holiday. We were busy decorating their home, having our first annual ugly sweater party and best holiday cookie bake off, receiving many gifts from the community and volunteers caroling through out the facility.
We want to thank Sacred Heart Church, Rehoboth Church of God, Hopewell Baptist Church and the knitting group at Duncaster for donating gifts to our residents. It was greatly appreciated.
Now that we have started a new year, have you noticed when you turn on the television or read a magazine it’s all about exercise and making healthy choices for 2018. Most New Year resolutions are about people wanting to lose weight or changing eating habits, but what is best for you? I read many articles and most experts say that eating right and exercising are the two most important elements into loosing weight and staying healthy.
Sometimes it’s hard to get out and exercise during the cold weather months. That shouldn’t be an excuse. Join your local gym for a few months. Most gyms will work with you on a 3-6 month membership. The treadmill and elliptical are a great cardio workout. If you belong to a Senior Center, go to their exercise groups. If you are as daring as myself and run or walk outdoors weather permitting, here are some tips on how to dress.
If the temperature is 20-30 degrees, wear 2 tops, 2 bottoms, a jacket, light weight hat and gloves. It’s important to get your core temperature up before heading out. Do a fast walking pace in your home, walk up and down stairs or even doing some stretching. This gets the blood pumping and heats up your body. A side note: your core body temperature drops quickly after exercise. Change into dry cloths and drink some hot liquids. In closing don’t let the cold weather be an excuse to not exercise. Become a winter warrior!!