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Dr. Joy deMarcaida to Present: Managing Off Times for Persons with Parkinson Disease

October 5, 2018
Fresh River Healthcare, Parkinson Disease, Joy deMarcaida, Movement Disorder, Skilled Nursing, iCare Health Network

Fresh River Healthcare and Dr. Joy deMarcaida of the Chase Family Movement Disorders Center Present

Managing Off Times for Persons with Parkinson Disease

October 19th from Noon to 1:00PM

Fresh River Healthcare

96 Prospect Hill Road, East Windsor, CT

  • Dr. deMarcaida will bring her expertise, history and passion to share with all the opportunities to increase “on time” and decrease “off time”.
  • Open to patient and families, clinicians and medical providers, assisted living community staff and leadership, support groups, and other interested parties.
  • Fresh River offers a dedicated and comprehensive program to support patients with Parkinson Disease and is uniquely qualified, having  assembled a multi-disciplinary team of clinical professionals. Needs are served in outpatient, short term and long term options.

Space is limited. Kindly RSVP to Heather Bale at hbale@freshriverhealthcare.com by October 16th.

Event Flyer Available Here