MANCHESTER (October 30, 2017) – Judy W had been a patient at Touchpoints at Manchester for a couple of different stays. She had a very complex medical history, but fortunately for Judy she had a very dedicated family who had been very involved in her health management. Several months after her last stay with Touchpoints, she unexpectedly passed away in her sleep. Judy had a smile that warmed and lit up a room. No matter how badly she was feeling she always had a smile, a joke and a kind word for everyone.
A few weeks later the daughter called and want to give a gift to TAM. The family wanted TAM staff to decide on a gift and spoke about several different items that would be helpful or fun. But we had not been able to come up with an idea that would continuously remind us of Judy, her warmth and spirit. Then during our Holiday lobby decorating contest we constructed a fireplace out of a table, gutter piping and other items. After the holidays, the staff and residents were disappointed when we were taking the makeshift fireplace down. That was it…a fireplace…because it would be warm and light up the room for everyone to enjoy! Just like Judy.
Judy’s family was thrilled with this idea and especially the thoughts behind it. We wanted to honor and thank this family for this lovely gift and take a moment to remember Judy. It took some doing to get the family to be able to pick a day and time but we were finally able to make it a reality. This family’s experience and love for TAM so beautifully shows how important it is to live the customer experience on every level.