April 10, 2019

EAST WINDSOR (April 10, 2019) – Mark your calendars for a special presentation at Fresh River Healthcare entitled, ‘Dyskinesia: The Sudden and Uncontrolled Movements of Patients with Parkinson Disease’ by Dr. Duarte Machado of the David and Rhoda Chase Family Movement Disorders Center.
Fresh River Healthcare
96 Prospect Hill Road, East Windsor, CT 06096
April 24th at 1:30 PM
Dr. Machado will review the basic pathophysiology, the ramifications and management as well as the impact of Dyskinesia or Persons with Parkinson’s Disease. Patients, residents, families, caregivers, healthcare providers and interested members of the public are invited to attend.
RSVP to Heather Bale, Community Liaison at moc.erachtlaehrevirhserf@elabh or (860) 623-9846.