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Happy Long Term Care Administrator's Week 2024

March 11, 2024

MANCHESTER (March 11, 2024) – March 11-15, 2024 is National Long Term-Care Administrator’s Week. During this week, staff, residents, families, and volunteers have the opportunity to say “thank you” and honor the administrators who lead our nation’s long-term care communities. 

A heartfelt and sincere thank you from all of us at iCare Health Network to our dedicated Administrator team who continues to lead through challenging times and work tirelessly to safeguard and enrich the lives of the residents we serve. 

According to a PRESS RELEASE from the American College of Healthcare Administrators:

The nation owes our Long-Term Care administrators a debt of gratitude. Let us take some time to show our appreciation to these leaders. Administrators are key players in the care team and are entrusted with the responsibility of managing the care of our loved ones. They touch the lives of residents and families, and, most importantly, ensure that their staff provides the highest level of quality care to a vulnerable population.

To become an administrator takes commitment and dedication. They undertake a rigorous internship, followed by state and national exams. Upon becoming an administrator, they must continue life-long learning to provide the best care possible. They are masters of multi-tasking, taking into account every aspect of a person’s life, not just their medical needs, while building a sense of home and community.