May 17, 2019

MANCHESTER (May 17, 2019) – As National Skilled Nursing Care Week 2019 wraps up around the iCare Health Network care centers, the photos keep on coming. Today’s post includes:
- The Masked Singer at Touchpoints at Bloomfield with special guest judge, Matthew Barrett, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Connecticut Association of Health Care Facilities.
- Touchpoints at Manchester and Westside Care Center residents and staff attending a Carnival hosted by the iCare Health Network corporate team on the front lawn of iCare corporate headquarters.
- A Barbecue Picnic at Chelsea Place Care Center
- A Hawaiian Luau Party and Senior Prom at Silver Springs Care Center.
- A Disco Picnic and Price is Right at Westside Care Center
- An Ice Cream Social and Karaoke at Fresh River Healthcare
- An Ice Cream Sundae Bar at Touchpoints at Farmington
- West Indian Vibes - live music at Parkville Care Center
- Game Show Day at 60 West
Keep checking back for more events and more photos!