MANCHESTER (January 27, 2023) – January 23-27 is National Activities Professional Week with a theme of “Adventure Awaits”. On this week we celebrate all of iCare’s Therapeutic Recreation and Activities Professionals as they bring enrichment, fun, engagement and fulfillment to our residents’ lives.
According to the National Association of Activities Professionals Website, these teams are part of a vitally important profession that helps people live a life that is full of fun and meaningful activities. The holistic and person-directed approach to caring for our elders you provide is a sight to behold.
January 27 specifically is Activity Professionals Day and a time to recognize that they make the lives of nursing home residents so much better and more interesting! It’s because of them that many residents have good quality-of-life experiences.
Pictured is the Activities and Recreation teams from iCare’s MissionCare at Holyoke, Parkville Care Center and Touchpoints at Bloomfield.
The Touchpoints at Bloomfield team shared, “What a way to celebrate National Therapeutic Recreation Week with a Mac and Cheese Cook Off! The best gift Recreation can receive is the smiles on our residents faces.”