MANCHESTER (January 23, 2025) – January 19-25 is National Activities Professional Week with a theme of “Shaping the Future”
On this week we celebrate all of iCare Health Network’s Therapeutic Recreation, Life Enrichment and Activities Professionals as they bring fun, engagement, enrichment and fulfillment to our residents’ lives. At iCare, the Recreation Department provides residents with a wide range of opportunities, emphasizing the therapeutic benefits of each program.
Yesterday, in honor of Activities Professional Week, the team celebrated through collaboration, introducing new resources and strategies to support iCare’s residents in achieving their wellness goals through non-pharmaceutical approaches to well-being.
Laughter is medicine.
Community is medicine.
Belonging is medicine.
Take a moment to thank a TRD this week!
According to the National Association of Activities Professionals Website,
As an Activity Professional, you are part of a vitally important profession that helps people live a life that is full of fun and meaningful activities. The holistic and person-directed approach to caring for our elders you provide is a sight to behold.
You are the heart and spirit of your facilities. We encourage you to take a minute to acknowledge the great work you do and give yourself and your staff the credit deserved!
Now as never before, attention is being directed concerning care of our elder and disabled citizens and greater attention also is directed to those who provide hands-on-care. National Activity Professionals Week (NAPW) provides a timely opportunity to foster and showcase the wonderful things that Activity Professionals create.