MANCHESTER (July 22, 2020) – Jessica DeRing, Administrator of iCare’s 60 West care center in Rocky Hill, CT has been named and assumed the role of Connecticut Chapter President of the American College of Health Care Administrators (ACHCA) for the 2020-2022 term. According to its website, ACHCA was founded in 1962 and is a non-profit professional membership association that provides superior educational programming, networking, and career development opportunities for its members.
The ACHCA site states that, “Guided by the vision that dynamic leadership fosters long term health care services that are meaningful, successful, and efficient, ACHCA identifies, recognizes, and supports post-acute and aging services leaders, advocating for their mission and promoting excellence in their profession.”
Jessica DeRing’s letter to the chapter and its affiliates reads:
Chapter President’s Welcome
Dear ACHCA-CT. Chapter Members, Colleagues and Friends:
It is my honor to assume role of the CT. Chapter President for the 2020-2022 term. As many of you know, I have been a member of the College for my entire career and have been a Board member serving our chapter for the last ten years.
Like many or all of you, I never thought we, as Administrators, would be facing such challenging times. I certainly could have never predicted I’d be the President representing this fine Chapter during such tumultuous times. I am proud to do so.
Having spent the last 4 months looking this pandemic in the face: fighting COVID-19, protecting our staff and residents, feeling the loss of our residents and for some leaders, staff as well. Dealing with conflicting guidance at every turn, maintaining proper supply of PPE, educating, supporting our staff, residents, families and the like. All while hopefully staying healthy ourselves, knowing that every day in our centers was a day we may bring this invisible virus home to our loved ones… WE SURVIVED. We fought, we battled, at times feeling like we’d never see recovery. We stayed the course. GOOD JOB. Despite it all, we survived.
Now more than ever, we need to stand TOGETHER as this industry takes a turn we never thought possible. As President of the CT Chapter I vow to stay in the fight to support our Administrators as we face the next battle in this war. I and the entire Board are committed to discovering our “new normal” for the CT Chapter members. To support your needs, to add value and purpose during a time that we can’t continue our normal customs. And to advocate for our profession in partnership with the Association and Leading Age as we create an offensive position as most of us have been on the defensive side of this fight. The CT Chapter will fight for you.
Our College Chapter is and remains one of the largest Chapters in the country! To quote our former President, Beth Schmeizl, “Our College Chapter is rich with a diverse group of talented and dynamic individuals. College membership is a vital part of every Administrator’s practice, regardless of whether one has just landed their first job or have decades of experience under one’s belt. The relationships and networking capabilities gained with membership are invaluable.”
As we write the next “chapter” of this journey in healthcare, now more than ever, is the time, to remember that we MUST stand together. I encourage you to join us in our endeavors. If you are a licensed Administrator and not yet a member or a lapsed member, get or STAY involved in the College today! We are the warriors that showed up to before this pandemic, we showed up to fight it, now it’s time to show up for each other as well. We’re all in this TOGETHER.
Jessica DeRing
Connecticut Chapter President