MANCHESTER (May 22, 2019) – In late April 2019, Westside Care Center received this heartfelt and personal testimonial about one resident’s path to recovery through Westside Care Center and the iRecovery Program:
“When I arrived at Westside Care Center, I was broken. I was broken physically from a major car accident, but was also broken emotionally and spiritually. I had been in recovery and sober for over a year when this happened, and had just been starting to rebuild my life.
When I found out that there was iRecovery groups and individual counseling in that area, I was really, really happy. Slowly I got stronger thanks to the amazing physical and occupational therapy team that worked with me every day. As I worked on myself through the groups, I realized that this accident didn’t have to stop my life or change who I was.
I am still sober, and have done tremendous work on myself. It started at Westside Care Center, where I was pushed to succeed, and was loved and valued until I loved and valued myself.
I am grateful for all of the support I got not only with my accident recovery, but in being able to continue my substance use recovery as well. This place is truly one of a kind!”
-Melissa Maichack (April 2019)
*Photo, quotes and information provided with express written permission.