FARMINGTON (August 29, 2018) – The residents at Touchpoints at Farmington have been delighted by a new friend who has been visiting the skilled nursing community on a regular basis. When Tenley comes through the door she is greeted with a very warm welcome.
Tenley is a beautiful black and ruby Cavalier Kin Charles who has recently graduated from the Tails of Joy Training Program to become a Certified Pet Therapy Dog.
Touchpoints at Farmington gratefully accepted her application for monthly visitation to greet and bring smiles to our resident’s faces. She and her ‘mom’ Karen visit several times a month.
Tenley roams the halls looking for residents who could use a little TLC. She sits on resident’s beds and laps and her small stature makes her easy to handle, pet and even snuggle. Residents and staff end up talking about her visits for days afterward, ensuring she leaves a lasting impression and anticipation for her next visit.