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Recovery Program Coordinator Spotlight: Trinity Hill's Jenn Welles

September 11, 2024

HARTFORD (September 11, 2024) – September is National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month and iCare Health Network is recognizing the work of its staff in caring for residents with substance use disorder.

iCare Health Network utilizes a multi-disciplinary team made up of Recovery Coordinators, Social Workers, Nursing staff and partners with community providers and other resources to offer services and supports such as Recovery Coaches, APRNs, physicians, Physician Consultants and more. 

While receiving a skilled nursing level of care, residents have the opportunity to receive wrap-around services from partners, individual and group counseling services and continue Medication Assisted Therapy such as Methadone and Suboxone in a seamless way. 

Today we highlight Jenn Welles, Trinity Hill Care Center’s Recovery Program Coordinator: 

You have witness many resident’s journey of recovery in your time here. What have you experienced?

I have seen many people come to Trinity at such a low point. They are physically sick, some are malnourished, and suffering with withdrawals or the urge to use. Over time I watch as they gain weight, regain their strength and health, and I can see the light come back in their eyes. I hear them share their stories and I am so proud to be even a small part in their recovery journey.

How do you build trust and rapport with individuals in recovery?

The way that I build trust and rapport with the folks I work with in recovery is by being genuine, keeping my word, showing that I am understanding and that I am not judging them and I always throw in some humor. After awhile they are able to see that they can depend on me and that I am trustworthy.

How do you empower and encourage individuals on their recovery journey?

I empower and encourage people by focusing on what they can do for themselves. Everyone needs help from time to time so I will run groups that have some education or talk about different tools that can be helpful in recovery. Overall, the individuals I work with already know what they need in order to be successful they just need support and understanding and having someone believe in them.

What motivates you to continue working in the field of recovery?

I am motivated by the change I see in those around me. Seeing someone believe in themselves again is heartwarming. Hearing people’s stories and watching them overcome obstacles and how they fall but they get back up is inspiring. I learn something new every day. The people I work with in recovery are the best teachers I have ever had.

How has your work in the recovery program impacted your own personal growth?

My work in the recovery program continues to provide an opportunity for me to grow as a person as well as a social worker. My understanding and empathy grow every day and I am taught how precious life is and how it is easy to take our health for granted.

What role does the support system play in recovery, and how do you involve them?

It is so important for people in recovery to have a support system. Sometimes people don’t have any friends or family that are healthy supports so we work to find people in the community such as CRT or CCAR to provide that support. While they are at Trinity, I offer my support as well as the other social workers and our recovery support group has many regulars and they offer a lot of positive support to each other. I am always willing to speak with individuals’ family members and help them have a better understanding of what we are doing and how their support is incredibly effective.

What is your vision for the future of recovery programs and addiction treatment?

My vision for the future of recovery programs and addiction treatment are that there are more available, that they are easier to access, and that the stigma around them continues to lessen. I would love to see a recovery rehab program that takes individuals with clinical skilled needs. The issue a lot of the people I work with face is that they need the structure of a drug rehab with the care of a skilled nursing facility. Right now, they have a skilled nursing facility with a couple recovery support groups and one on one counseling once a week with an LCSW. At Trinity I would love to have the opportunity to run groups every day and offer more one on one.

To learn more, visit us at www.icarehn.com or call (860) 812-0788.