By Cindy Payne, Therapeutic Recreation Director, Touchpoints at Bloomfield
BLOOMFIELD (May 24, 2019) – In early May, Touchpoints at Bloomfield residents and staff celebrated a showing of resident artwork with partners from the art program at the University of Hartford.
The students have been coming in on a weekly basis for the past three months to work with the residents on their individual art projects. The program has been a confidence booster for the residents and students alike. Eight students were each paired with a resident to envision their own creative projects. Together they would come up with project themes, and the art students would source the materials and instruct their resident during the class.
One student stated that it has been very rewarding to work with the older population and teach them to embrace their creative side. The partnership and program have been in existence since 2011. Instructor Cat Balco has been involved from the beginning and continue to express how important this program is to her students and the benefits not only the residents receive from the students, but the rewarding experiences her students feel as a result.