FARMINGTON (March 17, 2020) – As the fight against COVID-19 by governments, the public and healthcare providers expands across the world, the residents of iCare Health Network care centers are grappling with changes to their daily lives, including their ability to see loved ones. A visitor restriction imposed by the Department of Public Health and confirmed by an order from the Governor remains in place for the safety and health of residents and staff.
Across iCare Health Network centers and indeed from nursing homes across the State and country, residents are sending their friends and families simple messages of love. While we work hard to institute and increase access to web chat services like FaceTime and Zoom, sometimes a greeting card, a phone call or a message on a dry erase board can be clear and effective.
Seen here are residents of Touchpoints at Farmington posing with their message. Sometimes just to get their smile out there and some tailoring the message on their own.
*Residents appear in photos with express written permission.