WINDSOR (April 20, 2018) –
Article appears in the Windsor Locks Journal, Windsor Journal and Bloomfield Messenger
On April 11, 2018 iCare’s Director of Patient Enrichment, Kim Wanegar-Nation, and Touchpoints Rehab’s Community Liaison, Heather Bale, taught and coached a group of folks from the LP Wilson Senior Center in Windsor in the use of a simple, standard hula hoop as an exercise, balance and agility tool.
This light exercise and training program is exclusive to Touchpoints Rehab. Having essentially “re-invented the hula hoop,” the program is designed to immediately improve upright posture, upper and lower core strength, improve balance and reduce falls. Of course, results vary and seniors should always check with their doctor before starting an exercise program.
With continued practice the guided use of the hula hoop helps to correct posture, improve the work of breathing and muscle efficiency and participants have said it reduces pain. The core hula hoop program as taught by iCare-Touchpoints Rehab staff can be safely performed by most anyone. Having started with just some core movements, by the end of the program many were actually able to hula hoop and most had any easier time getting out of a chair. Laughter was shared by all.