MANCHESTER (April 12, 2018) – On April 6, 2018 the Touchpoints at Manchester team bid farewell to Peter, a resident from its Veteran program, as he discharged into the community to live with his daughter in Arizona. He was Touchpoints at Manchester’s first veteran admission under the VA contract.
Peter wanted to thank the team for all they had done for him along the way and offered a remarkable testimonial about how the staff changed him to a more positive person and gave him the strength and motivation to rehab, discharge and move to a new home. He asked to throw a Thank You party for staff as he credits them with changing his life and giving him a positive attitude and hope.
As a Vietnam vet, I am a very complex person and patient. Due to serious illness and physical disability, I was told I would have to go from the hospital to a long term care nursing home for the rest of my life. I had been at Touchpoints at Manchester for short term rehab sometime ago so I decided to go back.
Between my PTSD and years of having a angry, negative attitude, I was not the easiest guy to be around never mind care for. But something amazing happened to me at Touchpoints. The wonderful staff helped me become a more positive person. All the staff, including housekeeping, dietary, rehab, nursing and Veteran support made me feel comfortable, valued and very cared for. I give them all an A+.
This new found positive outlook and support from the amazing people at Touchpoints got me motivated and determined to improve enough to go home again. Well today is the day, I am getting on a airplane to go live with my beloved daughter! Kim helped me put together a Thank You party for the staff I have grown to love.
I was trying to find the words that expressed how I feel about my new found friends. “Touchpoints touched my heart,” suddenly just flowed from my lips, “and they truly did.”
*Results and experience vary by patient. ** Patient information appears with express written consent.