MANCHESTER (January 27, 2020) – On February 11, 2020, Westside Care Center’s Memory Care Program Director, Loreen Downham, will host a presentation by the Alzheimer’s Association as part of the center’s Support Group for persons with dementia and their families.
The presentation, Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease, is ideal for friend, family members and care providers who are concerned about someone who has a new or existing diagnosis or who is undergoing testing.
For those whose loved one has had a diagnosis for some time it’s a good way to be sure all persons involved in their care are on the same page with their basic understanding of what the disease is and what it isn’t.
The Support Group meets the second Tuesday of each month at Westside Care Center at 349 Bidwell Street in Manchester. The group is open to family members of Westside residents and members of the community impacted by the disease. Westside Care Center operates a secure memory care unit for residents with dementia and other cognitive and memory disorders through Greater Hartford Memory Care Centers.