For referrals and admissions please contact iCare Health Network’s central admissions department, known as iCentral, at:
Phone (860) 812-0788
Email moc.NHeraci@lartneci
eFax (877) 804-4097
Or via AllScripts, Epic and other hospital system referral management programs
iCentral manages referrals and admissions for all iCare Health Network post-acute, skilled nursing care centers. In most cases, there is no need to call a nursing facility directly as this office can answer all your questions and handle all your admissions needs.
iCentral is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days per year and accepts referrals and admissions from hospitals, assisted living and skilled nursing facilities, home care companies, residences, health care providers and many other sources from across the state and region.
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Application for Admission and Financial Disclosure
Criteria for Admissions to a Connecticut chronic and convalescent nursing home (regulations)
- CT Public Health Code, Section 19-13-D8t (d) General Conditions. (EXCERPT)
(1) Patient admission.
(A) Patients shall be admitted to the facility only after a physician certifies the following:
(i) That a patient admitted to a chronic and convalescent nursing home has uncontrolled and/or unstable and/or chronic conditions requiring continuous skilled nursing services and/or nursing supervision or has chronic conditions requiring
substantial assistance with personal care, on a daily basis
For referrals and admissions please call iCentral – iCare’s centralized 24/7 admissions department at
(860) 812-0788
or email at moc.nheraci@lartneci
eFax (877) 804-4097
- CT Public Health Code, Section Sec. 19-13-D13. Chronic and convalescent nursing homes and rest homes
with nursing supervision with authorization to care for persons with manageable psychiatric conditions as determined by a board qualified or certified psychiatrist (EXCERPT)
Chronic and convalescent nursing homes and rest homes with nursing supervision licensed under section 19-33 of the general statutes complying with this section may be authorized to accept persons suffering from manageable psychiatric conditions as determined by a board qualified or certified psychiatrist when such persons have been evaluated by a physician licensed to practice medicine and surgery in Connecticut who has completed graduate residency training approved by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and when this physician has recommended in writing that the person may be appropriately cared for in the nursing home
(b) A person suffering from a manageable psychiatric condition as determined by a qualified psychiatrist may be admitted to such a nursing home or rest home with nursing supervision only on a written certificate.
Such certificate shall give:
- the name and location of the nursing home or rest home with nursing supervision to which admission is sought,
- the name and address of the person in charge,
- the name, age, sex and residence of the patient,
- the name and address of a responsible relative or guardian,
- the diagnosis of the mental condition according to standard classified nomenclature of mental disease,
- the prognosis of the case and previous admissions to psychiatric hospitals and shall express the opinion that the patient may be cared for in such nursing home without injury to the patient or persons or property. These certificates shall be kept in a manner approved by the commissioner of health.
(3) If a patient’s condition changes so that he may do injury to himself, other persons or property, arrangement shall be made for his immediate transfer to a more suitable institution.
No-Harm Physician Certification