MYSTIC (July 15, 2019) –Employees from multiple iCare Health Network centers won scholarships and several care centers were recognized at the Connecticut Association of Health Care Facilities 90th Annual Meeting, held on the north lawn of Mystic Seaport on July 11th.
Photo credits: Caryn B. Davis
iCare Health Network winners include:
AHCA/NCAL Quality Award Overview and Recognition-
Bronze Award:
- Touchpoints at Bloomfield, accepted by Jaime Faucher
- Touchpoints at Chestnut, accepted by Jess DeRing on behalf of Holly Guiditta-Deming
- Westside Care Center, accept by Sylvia Szleszynski
Silver Award:
- Silver Springs Care Center, accepted by Ray Hackling
Vera Arterburn Memorial Scholarship Awards –
- Ms. Marina Odackal, Touchpoints at Manchester
- Ms. Shannon Merrick, Westside Care Center
About the Scholarship
ACCORDING TO THE CAHCF WEBSITE, Vera P. Arterburn, one of the founders of the Connecticut Association of Health Care Facilities, Inc (CAHCF), and its predecessor organization, was a pioneer and a leader for over 40 years among geriatric health-care professionals. Her years of service to CAHCF were characterized by her dedication to nursing education which was of primary focus to her, as both an LPN and as a nursing home owner, in assisting the Association and its Members to promote and improve the delivery of quality patient care to its patients. Therefore, it seemed appropriate shortly after Vera’s death in 1987, for the Association to create the Vera Arterburn Memorial Scholarship Fund, Inc„ as a tax-exempt Section 501(c)(3) organization, and to use charitable donations made by CAHCF Members to award nursing educational scholarships to deserving applicants who qualify as employees of CAHCF Member institutions and who wish to advance their long-term-care provider education.
Congratulations to all the winners!