Today, 60 West in Rocky Hill was one of the long term and post-acute care providers recognized with a 2020 Silver - Achievement in Quality Award by the American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL). Recipients of this prestigious award have demonstrated a commitment to a rigorous journey of continuous improvement in the quality of care provided to residents. “We have been referring to this at 60 West as our Silver Lining to 2020. We are honored…
60 West Celebrates National Healthcare Environmental Services Week 2020
September 15, 2020
60 West started off the week by recognizing and thanking the housekeeping and laundry staff that are a critical part of their environmental services team and daily operation. As with much of iCare’s recognition it came in the form of treats! September 13-29 is National Healthcare Environmental Services Week and their service means even more in 2020 as the COVID pandemic continues and environmental services teams are on the front lines everyday. A safe, hygienic, orderly, compliant and c…
iCare's Jessica DeRing Named President of CT Chapter of American College of Health Care Administrators
July 22, 2020
Jessica DeRing, Administrator of iCare’s 60 West care center in Rocky Hill, CT has been named and assumed the role of Connecticut Chapter President of the American College of Health Care Administrators (ACHCA) for the 2020-2022 term. According to its website, ACHCA was founded in 1962 and is a non-profit professional membership association that provides superior educational programming, networking, and career development opportunities for its members.
60 West Residents Travel the World from the Comfort of the Care Center
February 27, 2020
60 West explores cuisines from around the world with our monthly Arm Chair Travel Event. Each month, Dietary and Life Enrichment plan a meal for a small group of residents to offer a taste of a different culture and cuisine. In February, residents enjoyed the taste and sounds of Poland. Other adventures included China, Jamaica, New Orleans, Switzerland, Lebanon, Cuba, Italy and traditional Jewish foods! Residents look forward to this special luncheon as a chance to experience a special meal i…
60 West Celebrates Sixth Annual Super Bowl Party for Residents and Staff
February 11, 2020
On and around February 2nd, the team at 60 West threw its sixth annual Super Bowl Party and ”Pick ‘Em Winners” for staff and residents. This is 60 West’s largest staff-resident engagement event, starting as a weekly gameday event that spans the entire football season and culminates with the Super Bowl.