When you’ve had an illness or injury, you know that taking time to care for yourself is a natural part of the recovery process. What many of us fail to realize is that it’s just as important to continue practicing self-care all the time, especially if you have chronic pain. If you’re worried that self-care is too expensive or time-consuming, try these budget-friendly strategies that are relatively easy to work into everyday life.
Amidst the Summer heat, Touchpoints at Manchester and Westside Care Center teamed up on the Bidwell Street campus to hold a Summer Luau for residents and staff. In the shade of a tent, guests enjoyed cool treats from an ice cream truck, Hawaiian leis were given out and surf themed pictures were taken. Grass skirts and straw hats completed the look. There was also a unique frozen shirt competition shown in the photos. Nice kick-off to a hot summer!
The Silver Springs Care Center team celebrated a key milestone in employee safety; 900 days without time lost to a work related injury. For all of their hard work, attention to safety and dedication to a team effort, the each shift was treated to a cookout-picnic on the patio. Upon hitting the previous milestone of 750 days, iCare Health Network leadership said of Silver Springs that it was “Impressive. And not by chance but by effort.”
Westside Care Center Holds CNA Recognition Ceremony During National Nursing Assistants Week
June 26, 2019
June 13-20th was National Nursing Assistants Week and as part of celebrating and recognizing the hard work that Nursing Assistants do each and every day, Westside Care Center held a CNA Recognition Ceremony. Westside’s CNAs were honored for their longevity with the care center. Mary Lyons, has been working with the care center’s residents for a stunning 46 years. Residents were able to spend time celebrating and recognizing their aides. Appetizers were served for both staff an…
Silver Springs Care Center’s Noel Orsini recently took a group of the care center’s veterans on a day trip to the submarine base in Groton, CT. A veteran himself, Noel works to bring camaraderie and activities to Silver’s veterans and as a contracted provider for the Veteran’s Affairs there are many in residence. It’s clear from the pictures that the group had a fun-filled day and we thank them for their service.