Park Place Health Center Joins the iCare Health Network Under the Name Parkville Care Center
January 29, 2019
On January 25, 2019, iCare Health Network assumed operation of Park Place Health Center on Greenwood Street in Hartford. The 150-bed skilled nursing care center will emerge and operate under the name “Parkville Care Center” as recognition of its important place and history in the Parkville neighborhood of Hartford. Park Place has played a vital role in skilled nursing and long-term care for the City and region, especially for the Hispanic population it has historically served.
Silver Springs Care Center Celebrates an Employee Safety Milestone
January 25, 2019
Silver Springs Care Center team celebrated a key milestone in employee safety; 750 days without time lost to a work related injury. For all of their hard work, attention to safety and dedication to a team effort, the each shift was treated to a Pizza Party complete with wings and salad. Once the party was scheduled Silver Springs had already crossed through 780 days without lost time!
Touchpoints Rehab's CHF Program to be featured on Fox61's 'Northeast Living' with Rachel Lutzker
January 23, 2019
Fox 61’s Rachel Lutzker filmed a segment for Northeast Living featuring Touchpoints Rehab’s signature Congestive Heart Failure rehabilitation program. The clip will air on Valentine’s Day and will include an interview with Touchpoints at Bloomfield’s Director of Nursing Shanta Griffiths and iCare Health Network’s Director of Transitional Care Sarah Landi. Tune in to Fox61 on Valentine’s Day or check back here for the full interview.
Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
January 21, 2019
Touchpoints at Farmington Makes Technology and Social Media Training Available to Residents
January 18, 2019
In partnership with social media and web consultants New Industria, Touchpoints at Farmington provided technology and social media training to residents. Knowing that with the holidays comes new gadgets, Touchpoints offered an hour long training session for a handful of residents on use of their tablets and devices, how to stay connected via social media and email, and other topics meant to increase their accessibility and communication with loved ones and their communities.