Visit the iCare Health Network Booth at the Vernon Seniorhood Fair
October 15, 2018
According to their website, the Vernon Multidisciplinary Team (VMT) Seniorhood Fair offers seniors, adults, and caregivers ways to plan and enhance their “seniorhood” years through workshops, demonstrations, exhibits, and resources. Exhibitors will showcase a variety of public and private services that are available in the local community which focus on the lifestyle needs of a growing senior population. Learn about Medicare, as well as options for housing, transportation, safety…
Life and Times of East Windsor Legend Tony Dimastrantonio, Touchpoints at Chestnut Resident
October 8, 2018
“I have had a wonderful life”, and thus begins the story of Tony Dimastrantonio. We, at Touchpoints at Chestnut, are enjoying the privilege of his presence, and as we provide care for him, he is bringing joy to all of us. While he has been with us, Tony has been continually visited by the members of the Warehouse Point Fire District and members of the Junior Fire Fighters as well as his caregiver Casey Starvish, herself an ex-firefighter and member of a firefighting family—-his story a…
Dr. Joy deMarcaida to Present: Managing Off Times for Persons with Parkinson Disease
October 5, 2018
Fresh River Healthcare and Dr. Joy deMarcaida of the Chase Family Movement Disorders Center Present Managing Off Times for Persons with Parkinson Disease. Dr. deMarcaida will bring her expertise, history and passion to share with all the opportunities to increase “on time” and decrease “off time”. Open to patient and families, clinicians and medical providers, assisted living community staff and leadership, support groups, and other interested parties.
Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon at Fresh River Healthcare
October 3, 2018
iCare Health Network and all its communities made the commitment to provide a Stigma Free environment and Stigma-Free care to residents with mental illness as well as those with substance use disorder, dementia and cognitive disorders. In keeping with the themes of National Recovery Month, on September 21st iCare held a kick-off event in the form of a pep rally at the company headquarters in Manchester. And so began two weeks of Stigma Free programming and training within the iCare communities…