Proud to be Stigma-Free: Annual iFair includes Stigma-Free T-shirts and Slogans on Display
September 27, 2018
iCare Health Network’s annual iFair was held today at 60 West in Rocky Hill. As part of National Recovery Month and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Stigma Free Campaign, each iCare community wore a different slogan/motto/mission statement around stigma-free care. T-shirts pictured in the post!
Touchpoints at Bloomfield Staff and Residents Remember 9-11
September 26, 2018
No one will ever forget the date September 11, 2001. Over the years, Touchpoints at Bloomfield has provided various types of programs in remembrance of what America went through that day. To honor the day the community has held First Responders breakfasts and the residents and staff have made thank you cards to Fire, Police and EMS. In 2018, residents made flag pins and remembered the deep and profound tragedy of that day.
Proud to be Stigma-Free: Pictures from Chelsea Place and Touchpoints at Chestnut Kick-Off Events
September 25, 2018
As part of National Recovery Month and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Stigma Free Campaign, Chelsea Place Care Center in Hartford and Touchpoints at Chestnut in East Windsor, both iCare Health Network communities, held kick-off, pep-rally type events to celebrate and embrace stigma-free care. More pictures within the full post.
Proud to be Stigma-Free: Trinity Hill Honors Staff Commitment to Stigma-Free Care
September 24, 2018
As part of National Recovery Month and the National Alliance on Mental Illness’ Stigma Free Campaign, Trinity Hill Care Center honored staff members committed to being “Supportive, compassionate, and non-judgmental of recovery from mental health and substance abuse disorders.” Staff member were individually recognized for this commitment and awarded a plaque. Much more on iCare Health Network’s commitment to Stigma-Free care is yet to come this week. Stay tuned!
Living With Heart Failure: Education and Support Groups through Hoffman Heart Institute
September 18, 2018