iCare Health Network Represented at 19th Annual CCAR Recovery Walk
September 17, 2018
iCare Health Network was well represented at the 19th Annual Recovery Walks! event in Bushnell Park. Representatives from the majority of iCare’ skilled nursing communities turned out for the walk, hosted by Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery. iCare provides extensive Recovery, Behavioral Health and Memory Care programs and is celebrating and embracing National Recovery Month this September by working towards being Stigma Free. The iCare team wore purple shirts that said Proud t…
Appreciation for Police, Fire and EMS on 9-11 from Touchpoints at Manchester and the IHN Family
September 12, 2018
It is hard to believe it has been 17 years since 9-11, but for those that witness and experience the service of dedicated public safety providers and first responders each and every day, the staff and residents at Touchpoints at Manchester wanted to make sure our they were reminded of just how much their work is appreciated.
Touchpoints at Bloomfield Knows How to Beat the Heat
September 5, 2018
Fresh River is using a virtual reality sEMG biofeedback system known as Synchrony for residents with difficulty swallowing known as dysphagia. The program allows the speech pathologist, as well as the client, to visualize the swallow activity on a television screen. The information allows the patient and therapist to ‘see the swallow’ to help guide the client through therapeutic exercises with a series interactive activities that addresses dysfunction typically associated with d…
Tenley Brings Pet Therapy Back to Touchpoints at Farmington
August 29, 2018
The residents at Touchpoints at Farmington have been delighted by a new friend who has been visiting the skilled nursing community on a regular basis. When Tenley comes through the door she is greeted with a very warm welcome. Tenley is a beautiful black and ruby Cavalier Kin Charles who has recently graduated from the Tails of Joy Training Program to become a Certified Pet Therapy Dog.