Staff from Multiple iCare Health Network Communities Recognized at the CAHCF Annual Meeting
July 18, 2018
Touchpoints at Farmington celebrated a milestone in promoting and delivering on workplace safety, celebrating 400 hundred consecutive days without a lost day to workplace injury. In addition, Farmington has accrued another 30 days since the milestone was official and are working hard towards a goal of 500 days. More photos in the post.
Reverend Guillermo Garcia was named Volunteer of the Year for his service to the residents and families of residents and Trinity Hill Care Center in Hartford, CT. Many times our residents come to Trinity Hill and its iRecovery Program at the lowest time of their lives. Rev. Garcia is noteworthy in his fifteen years of tireless dedication. His weekly visits occur without fail. He has lent spiritual guidance in counsel to hundreds of residents in his decade and a half of service to Trinity Hil…
Happy Independence Day!
July 4, 2018
In mid-June 2018, Touchpoints at Manchester received a very kind testimonial from a resident who received care at Touchpoints as a contracted VA facility. Touchpoints has been a VA contracted facility since September of 2017 and recently had a full Open House and Flag Retirement Ceremony to thank our Veterans in residence for their service and formally launch the program.