Touchpoints at Chestnut's Morliana Evans' Makes the Journey from CNA to RN
September 22, 2022
Congratulations to Morliana Evans at Touchpoints at Chestnut! “Mo” started off at Touchpoints Rehab a decade ago as a Certified Nurse’s Aide (CNA) and after a short leave from the facility she returned as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) and has been an excellent primary nurse on the long term care unit. She was such a good nurse and so on top of everything on her unit that multiple staff members encouraged her to go back to school to become a Registered Nurse (RN).
September is Health Aging Month!
September 20, 2022
September is Healthy Aging Month! The designation of Healthy Aging Month is over 15 years old and was meant to bring awareness to all parts of a healthy lifestyle. September was chosen because now is the time to focus on new activities as the Summer ends. Drawing on the “back to school” urge embedded in everyone from childhood, the observance month’s activities are designed to encourage people to rejuvenate and get going on positive measures that can impact the areas of wellness.
On August 16, 2022 the team at MissionCare at Holyoke, led by their Recreation and Activities Team, celebrated the Woodstock peace and love vibe with a tie dye event. The residents and staff had a great time creating different patterns and colors on the shirts. Themed events took place around the center including the garden areas and the chapel.
On August 21, 2022, staff and their families from iCare’s Chelsea Place, Parkville and Trinity Hill Care Centers represented iCare at the 2022 Greater Hartford Puerto Rican Day Parade and Festival del Coqui. As they did in 2019, the iCare team marched in the parade from Wawarme Avenue, ending in Bushnell Park, decked out in matching t-shirts and regalia and accompanied by decorated Jeeps.
Elvis Has Left the Building: Touchpoints at Manchester Staff and Residents Visited by The King
August 18, 2022
Last week the staff and resident at Touchpoints at Manchester were treated to a performance by a special guest, Mr. Elvis Presley. The King dropped by to celebrate staff anniversaries, passing out certificates honoring their longevity and serving up some cake. Elvis made his way through the resident care units, driving the crowds wild with his dancing and playing all his hits. It appears this particular Elvis showed up from the early 1970’s. Due to dietary considerations, no peanut butte…