Words of Encouragement from a Resident and Healthcare Hero Pictures from Around the Network
April 3, 2020
On Thursday April 3rd the team at Touchpoints at Manchester received some kind words and much needed support from the center’s resident council president. Although the quote is directed at TAM it certainly applies to all of the healthcare heroes at iCare Health Network, taking care of residents during this difficult and extraordinary time. Mixed into this post are a smattering of photos from around the health network. They include paper hearts put up on the windows by residents and neigh… -
Words cannot adequately express my gratitude for all that you are doing to protect our residents and fellow staff during the uncertain times of this COVID-19 crisis. I am so impressed, grateful and proud of the work that has been done to prepare for this emergency, including the sweeping precautions that have been instituted so rapidly. I am also proud of the daily effort to keep a sense of calm and normalcy in our care centers. This crisis has made it abundantly clear how each job in the care…
iCare Health Network is Requesting Available Personal Protection Equipment for Skilled Nursing Providers
March 23, 2020
iCare Health Network is actively working on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) utilization and availability with the Connecticut Association of Health Care Facilities and other groups. These PPE supplies are critical to skilled nursing providers in order to care for the vulnerable populations that reside in nursing homes. If you or your organization have access to PPE that can be appropriately made available and donated during this crisis, please consider contacting us so that we may use if… -
Entire iCare Team Working Tirelessly to Preserve Happy and Healthy Environment for Residents and Staff During COVID-19
March 18, 2020
All around the iCare Health Network, the staff and leadership are hard at work to keep up the morale and spirits of the residents, staff, partners and families. To bring calm, enjoyment, enrichment and distraction each day of teh COVID-19 pendemic crisis takes a great deal of commitment and creativity. Here is a list of just some of the activities that have been going on at iCare Health Network care centers while under visitor restriction and infection control precautions… -
Across iCare Health Network centers and indeed from nursing homes across the State and country, residents are sending their friends and families simple messages of love. While we work hard to institute and increase access to web chat services like FaceTime and Zoom, sometimes a greeting card, a phone call or a message on a dry erase board can be clear and effective. Seen here are resident of Touchpoints at Farmington posing with their message. Sometimes just to get their smile out there and so…