Touchpoints at Farmington Team Goes Red for Women to Bring Awareness to Heart Health
February 7, 2020
According to the American Heart Association site, nearly 80 percent of cardiac events can be prevented and cardiovascular diseases continue to be a woman’s greatest health threat. In response, February 7th is the American Heart Association’s day to ‘Go Red for Women’ to raise money and more importantly, awareness heart health. As a care center that provides extensive care and treatment for residents with congestive heart failure and other cardiac conditions, the Touchpoint…
Rae Losnes, Silver Springs Nurse, Retires After 37 Years of Service at the Care Center
February 3, 2020
Silver Springs Care Center held a retirement celebration for Rae Losnes, Licensed Practical Nurse, who retired from Silver Springs after 37 years of service. Rae worked as an LPN Charge Nurse on Second Floor East for many years. Upon news of her retirement residents and staff shared just how much they will miss her.
As of January 25, 2020, Parkville Care Center marked one year as part of the iCare Health Network. The 150-bed skilled nursing care center was previously Park Place Health Center and emerged to operate under the name Parkville Care Center as recognition of its important place and history in the Parkville neighborhood of Hartford. In the course of 2019, Parkville had the opportunity to host Governor Ned Lamont and Mayor Luke Bronin (on several occasions), partner with local Hispanic and communi…
Westside Care Center Presents Understanding Alzheimer's and Dementia Through Community Support Group
January 27, 2020
Westside Care Center’s Memory Care Program Director, Loreen Downham, will host a presentation by the Alzheimer’s Association as part of the center’s Support Group for persons with dementia and their families. The presentation, Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease, is ideal for friend, family members and care providers who are concerned about someone who has a new or existing diagnosis or who is undergoing testing. For those whose loved ones have had a diagnosis from so…
New Year - New Job: iCare Health Network Holding Nursing Job Fair and Hiring Event on January 29, 2020
January 21, 2020
iCare Health Network will be holding an all day RN and LPN Job Fair and Hiring Event on January 29, 2020 at the corporate office in Manchester for opportunities throughout the Network. LPN and RN Positions Available. Hiring for various positions such as Charge Nurse, RN Management, Staff Development, Infection Control, Supervisors and more. Full time, part time and per diem positions available.