60 West in Rocky Hill, CT was named a 2019-20 Best Nursing Home by U.S. News and World Report. The announcement marked the second U.S. News award for 60 West in two years, this time in the Long Term Care category. U.S. News and World Report’s rating process uses a standard for Best Nursing Home status that is more rigorous than the Star Rating system utilized by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Westside Care Center Nurse Aids Fallen Member of the Public
November 4, 2019
Westside Care Center nurse Eunice Anim finished her shift at the care center and stopped at a local grocery store on the way home. While shopping a page came over the store’s PA system asking if there was a medically trained person in the house. Eunice immediately heeded the call and responded to the patient’s side. Without hesitation she provided care and resuscitation to the critically ill patient until emergency medical services arrived. Nice job, Eunice!
Halloween 2019 All Around the iCare Health Network
November 1, 2019
It’s Halloween! And all around the iCare Health Network, residents and staff are getting in the spirit. Costume parties and pumpkin decorating and jack o’lantern carving contests were held.Snacks, candy, cookies and other tricks and treats were given out. Have a happy, safe and spooky Halloween! Many photos and a video in the full post!
Touchpoints at Chestnut staff took a moment to celebrate the long tenure of two valued members of the team in a longevity ceremony. Touchpoints honored two Certified Nurse’s Aides (CNAs), Rachel Landry with 27 years of service at Touchpoints at Chestnut and and Miguel Cruz with 25 years. The two enjoyed appetizers, sparkling cider and cake with the team and the residents they serve. Touchpoints also gifted them a Years of Service Award and gift card for their time here. Employee …
Fresh River Healthcare Throws a Good ol' Fashioned Hoe Down
October 28, 2019
Fresh River Healthcare in East Windsor hosted a good ol’ fashioned hoedown, complete with goats, a chuck wagon, a bluegrass band, lasso contests, high noon ‘shootouts’, hot apple cider and fresh cider doughnuts.The Fresh River staff pulled together to bring fun Fall festivities to the residents. Amy Houle and Bobby Engleman transformed the carport into a Saloon. Stephanie Brennan, Melissa Fay, Robin Suhie and Kristen Essig transforming the patio in warm Fall atmosphere.