iCare Health Network will be holding an all day LPN and RN Hiring Event on October 29, 2019 at the corporate office in Manchester for opportunities throughout the Network. Interviews will be conducted on the spot, if so desired. Every person hired will be entered to win an Apple iPad. Every attendee will receive a door prize. Per diem positions available. Share word of the event with your friends and colleagues. For more information please call, email or check out our careers site.
Silver Springs Care Center Leadership Accepts Silver Quality Award at 2019 AHCA Conference
October 21, 2019
As part of the American Health Care Association’s Annual Conference in Orlando, FL, Administrator Ray Hackling and Director of Nursing Emily Gonzalez accepted a Silver - Achievement in Quality Award on behalf of Silver Springs Care Center. The Silver Award honors long term and post-acute care providers that have demonstrated their commitment to improving the quality of care for seniors and persons with disabilities and demonstrate effective approaches that help improve performance and qua…
Trinity Hill Care Center Holds 'Pink Party' in Recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October 17, 2019
In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Trinity Hill held a Pink Party to celebrate those individuals whose lives are affected by the disease, whether personally or through family members and friends. Staff and residents were encouraged to wear pink throughout the day, and our residents enjoyed a cupcake social with pink frosting. To continue the theme the music included Pink Floyd, the artist “Pink,” and a screening of the movie Pink Panther. Residents and staff reflected on t…
The Touchpoints at Chestnut team welcomed the arrival of the Fall season with a staple of Autumn, delicious pies. Residents and staff enjoyed apple and pumpkin pies while the Chestnut team lined up to send a pie to the face of the care center’s administrator, Holly Giuditta-Deming, and Cristina Lazure and Carla Sandstrom, Director of Nursing and Assistant Director of Nursing respectively. “We are quite sticky, but the residents and staff really seemed to enjoy it,” Holly s…
iCare Health Network Residents and Staff Attend Annual iFair with a Rocking Music Theme
October 9, 2019
On September 26, staff and residents from around the iCare Health Network convened at 60 West in Rocky Hill for the annual iFair. The iFair happens each Fall and has moved around locations, spending the last two years at 60 West. Each iFair has its own fun theme, often tied to Autumn events like football, Halloween and Fall leaves. This year’s event, however, was all about music.