60 West Takes Annual Trek to Hammonasset State Park Beach
October 3, 2019
60 West took their annual trek to East Beach at Hammonasset State Park to say farewell to summer and enjoy the fantastic weather on Friday, September 13th. A total of 26 residents attended and were able to walk along the water, search for shells or roll down to the beach using adapted beach wheelchairs provided by the park. The staff and residents soaked up the sun, ate a picnic lunch and enjoyed each others company on a trip that has become a tradition for the care center.
60 West Washes Away Stigma for Recovery Month
October 1, 2019
60 West recommitted to being a Stigma-Free care center on Thursday, September 20th with two special programs. The participants learned a great deal about each other and found common themes in their lives. Through this process the 60 West team collected words that contribute to stigma and symbolically and literally washed those words away.
In recognition of National Recovery Month, Trinity Hill Care Center in Hartford held a ‘Super Recovery Day’ program on Wednesday, September 25th. The event was superhero themed to remind resident in recovery at Trinity Hill that, “no matter how tough the fight may be, we all have the powers within to overcome the battle.” The day began with a super power packed breakfast from followed by an awards ceremony where Certificates of Recognition were to residents in recovery.
National Recovery Month Events Continue Across the iCare Health Network
September 27, 2019
In keeping with the themes of National Recovery Month, multiple iCare Health Network care centers have been holding celebrations of what it means to be in recovery. Chelsea Place held a Celebration of Recovery Dinner with special guest speakers. The care center staff pitched in to serve the meal. Chelsea residents and staff also took a day trip to Elizabeth Park to enjoy the weather. The Silver Springs team had their own Recovery Celebration in the Silver Bistro.
The Touchpoints at Bloomfield Team Renews Their Pledge to Stigma Free Care
September 25, 2019
With the help of the residents, Touchpoints at Bloomfield celebrated National Recovery Month by putting together a resident-led information table about Recovery Month in the front lobby. The center’s iRecovery Counselor Janice Lapage provided the team with information to distribute to staff, visitors and family members and ran a discussion group for our residents and staff. Most did not know the stigma that is carried by others that suffer from mental illness and/or substance use di…